Tuesday 20 December 2011

20 Dec 2011 - One Last Look

Home again, home again, jiggety jig.  Sleep is good.  Sleeping my my own bed, complete with memory foam mattress and soft, fluffy pillows is bliss.  Our village is a quiet place and I was a little worried that I would miss the racket of Bangkok, but can report that I slept like a stone, and just might go back to bed in a little while to do some more stone imitating.

It's cold here.  I'm cold.  Oh man, am I cold.  Three months at 28° C is inadequate preparation for 2° C plus wind and rain.

During the drive home I was very impressed by how excellently all the drivers stayed in their own lanes and how fast we were able to go.  Not one single person honked, and many people used their indicators before changing lanes.  I'm pretty sure people used their mirrors before maneuvering as well.  It was amazing.

I've pretty much got everything put away now, and have gone through the mail (my blood pressure went up and down like a roller coaster - it seems like everyone waited until I was gone to send some really annoying and unnecessary letters).  I need to go to the grocery store, the bank, and the post office.  I have no choice but to dive back into my life, full speed ahead.  We have a business plan to re-write, and a timeline to follow.  After some anxious searching I managed to locate my car keys (more evidence I am back to my normal routine), and the next step is to get my insurance and road tax sorted out so I can get on with it.

It's funny how it seems as if I haven't really gone away at all!  Putting one's life on hold for 3 months seems like a casual thing now, but while I was in the middle of it all I went through some pretty intense emotional stresses.  I can tell you for sure it's been a hell of a ride, and I am glad I took the time to write this blog, if only to remind me of what's gone down since the end of Sept.

If there is anyone out there that is interested in doing a course of study in Thai Massage at Wat Po in Thailand and has questions, I can be contacted at boston.mmt.ltd@gmail.com.  If I can help at all I will.  If you are interested in receiving a Thai or Sports Massage and you are either willing to travel to me or live within a reasonable distance, drop me a line and we can discuss it.

This is my last entry in this blog, and the reason for that is my life in England is pretty darn boring and no one in their right mind would continue to read it!  So this is me, saying thanks for reading this here little ol' blog and for your emails of encouragement and support.  You've helped me pull something off that I wasn't sure I could actually do, and that counts.

Peace out!

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