Sunday 13 November 2011

03 Nov 2011 Bogo, Cebu

Today my mother and I peeled split bamboo, which will be varnished and used to make the interior walls of her nipa hut.  (It has a hammock inside, and is quite cute.)  One peels bamboo with a bolo, or machete.  The trick is to just take the skin off of it and also shave down the joints, which are very knobby.  

Mom and her bamboo.  To the right is my Aunt Neneng, cleaning fish for our lunch (YUMS!!!):

We got quite a bit done before I noticed that the flies that pester us all tirelessly were in fact biting my newly healed dog bite scars and opening them up again.  Needless to say I grew a little resentful.  (Buddha is really making me work at being good.)  I stopped and took a shower, which I really needed, then fired up my laptop and noticed that it had been invaded by a team of very small ants.  I sighed, flipped the laptop over and beat the ants out of it.  I’m not sure I want to get used to living so closely to the insect world, but it seems to be unavoidable in the tropics.  Bugs are everybloodywhere and you can either get used to it or go around screaming like that dippy tart in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  Anything goes!

My clothes are getting irritatingly large.  It’s embarrassing, going around with a saggy bum all the time.  I’m not trying to be some sex kitten – I’m so definitely not on the pull but still, it would be nice to look nice.  I don’t want to buy clothes though; it just means more to carry.  I doubt that Pete will want his old shorts back but I can’t bear to throw his things away.  I’m happy that I’ve lost weight – I measured myself the other day and a few more inches have melted off, yay.  I regret not bringing smaller clothes with me when I was originally packing – at the time I thought it was presumptuous to assume future shrinkage, when in fact I should have taken it as read.  (Yes Lobo, it pains me to admit it but you were right xxx.)

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