Monday 14 November 2011

Manila Airport :-(

The wi-fi doesn't work here.  You can connect to the local network, but no chance of doing the www thing.  I searched around for someone (anyone) that actually works for the airport that might be able to contact the IT department but no dice.  The people working for the airlines can't help, though one of them did make a call on my behalf.  I waited for some sort of acknowledgement for the entire length of my layover - seven hours - but no dice there either. 

I had a scan through the available networks and found one for some place called the Tinder Box.  When I tried to connect I got a message saying I could buy time from the reception desk.  Oooookay...

While taking one of my many, many strolls back and forth across the terminal I noted a guy wearing a uniform with Tinder Box embroidered on it.  I cornered him and after some careful questioning understood the Tinder Box to be the company that operates the smoking room next to Gate 1, and that cards for the wireless can be purchased at the counter - P95 per hour.  Hell yes, I've got P100!  I made my way to this room; actually went inside without a mask or any other protection; only to be told that they have sold out of the magic cards.  Now I smell like a cigarette butt and I still ain't got no internet.  Great.

I've just used up the last of my phone credit calling my classmate Lynn; urgently asking her to call people and tell them things; and there's no place to buy any more.  I am so being tested to the limit of my patience here.

There is a bank of three computers in front of the Citibank office, which is shut today because it's the weekend.  These computers are online and are free to use.  One can't veg out on one forever; there's always a queue to use them.  However, I was able to check my email and send emails to concerned individuals that were sitting safely at home, wondering if I was dead or alive.  I definitely could not log onto Facebook, as the security protocol wanted me to type random words to prove I was really trying to log on as my own self but from an unexpected location.  I couldn't see the random words because the three computers in front of the Citibank office are running Ubuntu and gee whiz, the script for the random words wouldn't run!  Imagine that. 

I visited the Comfort Room (heh) after emailing and lo, there is a machine next to the CR that SELLS PREPAID CREDIT FOR MY SIM CARD!!!  This machine takes pesos or US dollars, and a P300 card costs $8, which is the exact amount of US money I happen to have on me!!!  Oh, the excitement.  I put in my three one-dollar bills, then offered up the five.  The machine spat it out three times before I gave up and read the directions on the front of the machine, which advised me that the machine only eats one dollar bills.  There was no reject button to push and reclaim my dollars, either.  I had a mental Cartman moment, where I stood there and silently said "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckitty fuck fuck", then started looking around for inspiration.  Just then, an American guy sauntered down the aisle past me (I could tell he was American by his distinctive sauntering style) and he kindly stopped when I called out to him.  After some pocket delving he was able to change my five into 5 ones.  OOO RAH!

Moments later, with my phone refueled, I communicated with the outside world.  It was good.

You see, once you go through security and get into the terminal gate area, there's no going back.  Outside this heavily fortified area are shops, restaurants and other interesting things.  Hell, there might even be a working wi-fi network.  However, once you go through security, pay your port usage fee, do the immigration thing and go through one more round of security you are theirs until you can claw your way onto an outgoing plane.  Of course, you want to get through security and get immigration sorted as soon as you can because discovering there is a problem at immigration three minutes before you hear the final boarding call for your flight isn't the way to do things, but it's not until you get past the last security checkpoint that you realise that you've been thrust into purgatory with no hope of redemption.

Someone told me that Manila International Airport is like the 7th most hated airport in the world.  I can't imagine why that might be, for the life of me :-P


  1. Only flown through Manila the last time we went back to Cebu in 2007. After that, I vowed to avoid that ridiculous place they call an airport. Security is overkill, and the people are not very helpful who are there to fleece you for $$. Bad juju all around.

  2. Tell me about it Dafny! From now on it's direct to Cebu. Manila can survive without me!
