Sunday 30 October 2011

29 Oct 2011 - Part III

Checked in, got my re-entry permit sorted (only 1200 Baht to get back in to Thailand - bargain!).  I always feel so furtive when dealing with Immigrations people.  In my personal history I've not been in trouble, apart from the odd misunderstanding that was quickly cleared up.  In any event I've always been treated with kindness and courtesy by civil servants so there's no rational explanation for my emotion.  I think it's because I have a natural tendency to want to remain anonymous and well out of the glare of Sauron's fiery red government eyeball.  Calling attention to myself by turning up at the border of a foreign country is always worrisome to me because somebody, somewhere can officially thumbtack me to a particular place at a particular time.  I find this creepy.

Thailand is pretty vigilant, likes to keep tab on its visitors.

I think after fifty more days of this I will go home and settle back into my cozy little nest with my hubby and stay there until the spring thaw.  I'm already ready to go home, I miss him so much :-(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl!

    Your adventures continue... Sorry to hear about the dog-bite and the series of rabies shots. Better safe than sorry.

    I spent the day with doctors' appointments. My hip has been showing signs of arthritis for over a year, and finally has gotten really bad. The doctor sent me to have it injected, with the hope that it would continue to hold me when the steroid shot actually wore off. However, it wore off and now the pain is worse than ever.

    The appointments were for pre-surgery blood and urine, pre-anesthesia interviews at the hospital. Then an appointment with the doctor to go over things and get an x-ray from which they can determine which size prosthesis I should have.

    Surgery is next Wednesday. I had to stop all aspirin and other medications and vitamins except my anti-depressant and omeprazole (for acid reflux). The doctor gave me a prescription for hydrocodone to get through the pain until the surgery.

    Not looking forward to it, but do not want to deal with the discomfort and pain any longer than necessary. Better to do it while I am in good health in all other ways.

    I am going out to dinner tonight with some other recent graduates, so have to go. Talk to you soon.

    Love your posts!
    Love, Susan
