Monday 24 October 2011

The Water is Coming

I went into Salaya with Lisa, Kenny and Emmy to get my next rabies vaccination.  We had planned on going to the market afterwards, but there was no market.  We started walking through town and saw that everyone was busy building cinderblock walls in front of their shop doors and there were lots of trucks roaring past, filled with sand bags.

Brian sent me a text today saying he and Kai had to leave their house because of the water. 

Lisa says she watched the news and it showed the water heading for the centre of Bangkok.  Many people are already wading in Bangkok, and I wonder where they will end up.  The flooding is supposed to arrive very soon and will last approximately 5 days.

Chetawan School is a good metre or so higher than the rest of the surrounding area, so we will be amongst the last to flood.  I wonder if any of the local people will come here for refuge.  I am pretty sure they won't be turned away if they do.  There are already a lot more vehicles parked here than usual, and I think that some of the staff have moved here for the time being.  I know for a fact at least one of our teachers is staying in the room across from mine.

The news mentioned that Suvarnabhumi Airport might flood as well.  I don't know any more than this, but I was under the impression that they had that under control.  Perhaps not.

I think we might need a little good luck here.  Send us some, won't you?

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